Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Procrastination is Seductive

As usual, I've dug myself into a hole.  I have three papers due at the beginning of next week.  Despite the cold, snowy weather we had last week over spring break I did not use that time to do any homework.  I was scheduled to have this upcoming weekend off, and I thought I would have plenty of time to do everything.  Yesterday, however, a boy at work asked if I could work for him this weekend.  So now, the weather is beautiful and I want to be doing anything but homework, and I'm stuck inside.  Somehow I always manage to do this to myself.  Even now, when I should be writing my papers I'm here, writing in this blog.  If they gave grades for procrastination I would have a 4.0 and be outside enjoying the sunshine right now.  I keep telling myself it's only four more weeks until the end of the semester, but that thought isn't very bracing when I have an internship this summer.  The other day I heard someone mention "volunteering at an internship."  I thought it was a much more graceful way of saying 40 hours a week of unpaid labor.  Still, it's better than writing a thesis.  Clearly if I had to do that I would never graduate because I would procrastinate until being forced to finish in my eighth year.  

Somehow, I just can't get interested in writing an needs assessment for the LGBT community in Missouri.  Not that I don't think it's an important topic.  Not that I don't think actually doing that needs assessment would be interesting, because it would be.  I just am not excited about designing how to do such an assessment, particularly because it's all fictional.  "Who would be measuring this data?"  I have no idea, because I don't even know what organization is doing this fictional assessment.  I think it's a little unrealistic to give us an assignment that is so dependent on who is requesting the assessment without telling us who is requesting it.  Not that I would expect anything different from my classes at this point.  That's how I ended up designing a sex ed program that would cost the state hundreds of thousands of dollars last semester.  And I got an A.  Unfortunately, with the way this professor grades I am not expecting the same outcome for this paper.

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