Sunday, April 3, 2011

And It's April...

Spring break was a successful week of doing nothing productive.  Unfortunately, now the real world is back and I have two huge papers due in a week that I have yet to begin working on.  Oh dear.  Also, we get a new employee tomorrow.  That means that in addition to the normal Monday fun of going in at 7:30 am after closing at 11:30 the night before I get to train someone tomorrow morning.  That should be fun.  Clearly being tired from a lack of sleep and cranky about my vacation from school ending will make me excellent at training.  I should just call in sick for the rest of the week.  The afternoon boy can train her.  And by train I mean take his usual three hour lunch break.

This upcoming week is National Public Health Week.  This week was supposed to be exciting, but it isn't.  I was sick on the day of our planning meeting, and the other execs in our PH organization have neglected to fill me in on the activities.  If they aren't able to answer an email I don't feel the need to help them man tables and pass out free stuff to a bunch of indifferent undergrads all day on the mall.  It's frustrating because this is the second group I've been on the executive board for where all the other execs were friends and they just stopped including me in things.  I don't understand why people are so ridiculous. 

Basically I'm just counting down the days until I can move out of this stupid town.  I'm extra frustrated this year because I won't be around during the summer, and summer is the only time I like this place.  There aren't any students around, and there are plenty of fun things to do and restaurant patios to eat on.  Instead I get to eat with my parents every night and hang out in my old bedroom until I go to sleep.  Awesome.

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